kaikille kiinnostuneille ja uteliaillekin, Ananda Margan Intialaisen
joogin ja Amma järjestön suomalaisen joogin johdolla. Tilaisuudet ovat kirjasto
Oodissa kolmannen kerroksen porrastasanteella maanantaisin, torstaisin
ja lauantaisin kello 18.00.
Näin pyritään luomaan rauhoittavaa
ilmapiiriä kirjastoon ja suomaan mahdollisuus jokaiselle
Helsinkiläiselle ilmaiseen meditaatiotuokioon osallistumiseen.
Yhteismeditaatio moninkertaistaa henkistä kapasiteettia. Jokainen
voi toki käyttää tilaisuudessa omaa mantraansa ja OM mantran
käyttöön ohjataan lyhyesti alkuvaiheessa. Tilaisuuden
jälkeen voi esittää kysymyksiä ja sopia ilmaisen mantran ja
meditaation opetuksesta.
ei ole vain fyysinen ja psyykkinen olento, vaan myös henkinen.
Siihen puoleen tulisi panostaa näinä aikoina, jolloin henkisyys
maapallolla on kasvamassa. Näin voit olla edelläkävijä luomassa
henkevämpää tulevaisuuden yhteiskuntaa.
13.12, 16.12, 18.12, 20.12, 23.12... Siis kello 18.00
session for those interested and curious, hosted by Indian yogi from
Ananda Marga and Finnish yogi from Amma group. The occasions are in Oodi
library on third floor staircase platform on mondays, thursdays and
saturdays at 18.00.
Thus the effort is to create peaceful atmosphere
in the library and giving chance for every person in Helsinki to
participate to free meditation. Collective meditation increases many
fold spiritual capacity. Everyone can use their own mantra and OM mantra
will be introduced shortly in the beginning.After
the occasion one may ask questions and make appointments for learning
mantra and meditation.
Human being is not only physical and psychic being, but also spiritual. On that side should be invested in these days, when spirituality is increasing in the world. Thus you can be a pioneer in creating more spiritual future society.
Year 2020 has been chaoticall over the world mostly due to
covid lock-downs and travel restrictions. However in our organization
everyone seem to be happy as we have got more time for spiritual practices. We have also special lessons that keep us constantly in a
positive ideation. So far I have not seen anybody fearful or depressed.
situationhas also empowered us
to do new way our work online. Some have also started translating or
writing books. We use mostly yogic treatments and alternative health
care, homeopathy, naturopathy, ayerveda etc, so even if covid virus would
attack, we can manage.
myself this has been very inspiring time. Usually autumn
and winter time I am mostly alone, harvesting vegetables and taking
care of our master unit. Now there are two margiis staying due to
difficult circumstances and we can attend weekly online kiirtan –
meditation broadcast from other side of Poland. We can also attend
constantly programs organized in different EU countries, even global
programs and meetings.
dancing and singing is the best wayto keep one’s mind in a positive, peaceful flow. We have
usually about 10-15 people in Poland attending weekly kiirtan and
meditation session online. My meditation have improved due to lots of
kiirtan. Also I have started singing it more myself. Every morning we
wake up for collective meditation at 5 AM and after doing asanas, I
attend 21 minutes of kaoshiki wellness dance in zoom.
from Germany and Italy has brought ab 50-60 people
together to sing, read poetry, share spiritual experiences and listen
philosophical speeches. Global programs are having hundreds of
participants, including our scientists and relief workers. Facebook is nowadays full of pictures from our relief activities and kiirtan singing
Our meditation and yoga classes are helping physically, mentally
and spiritually people in crises. It has been also really great to
hear good news from around the world while participating in reporting
sessions, organized by our global leaders. Most of us have expressed
our gratitude to meet them and they also appreciate so much of being
able to hear straight from us. It is such a joy to be part of this
mission which gives always so much inspiration and love.
last meetingour global head, Acarya Purodha
Pramuk, asked our opinions about our strength to carry on our work.
Here shortly the opinions expressed by many of the ab 200 acaryas,
full timers, monks and nuns: Feeling, Baba (Guru) is always with us,
that is our biggest strength. We have unity, family feeling and
global mindset. Ours is scientific way of yoga and we have conduct
rules to keep us disciplined. Our mantra is our strength, the
greatest secret in the world. We have most elevated minds to plan and
do the work. Baba’s stories always inspire us. We have strict
organizational system and plan for the world given by our master.
are missionary team and have projects all over the world.
We appreciate and support each other, which inspires us to do more.
We have high morality. Devotion is our strength. Fearlessness is part
of our tantra - even coronavirus doesn’t attack us, because no
fear. We are always successful. We live for our ideology. Every day
is a mission. Acaryas and margiis work together. Strong determination
is our strength. Everyone of us learns to speak English. We can
survive anywhere. We know the future. We have enormous source of
spiritual etc knowledge. Master Units are the future and Prout. We
have kaoshiki and tandava to upkeep our health, besides other yogic
means. We have leaders qualities.
people in thousands doing kiirtanin
including our global leaders
about year 2021, how it is going to be?
for us it is going to be great year,
in the world many expect huge crises coming. Perhaps new serious
sicknesses, cyber attacks closing down networks, revelations of
secrets (also ab covid), leading to anger. Change of leaders and main
stream newspapers. Big earthquakes, floods. Some expect also alien
disclosure. Seems nobody is sure weather Trump or Biden will lead US.
Some suggest woman, or military leader, will take over US. Globally
social unrest. India – China – Pakistan tensions continue. EU
break up, food shortages, unemployment, zombies. Most people will not
want vaccines. New scientific inventions, spirituality rising.
is going to really happen nobody knows,
but as it is so much division all over the world, naturally it
means very unstable times. Fear and anger makes also the nature to
respond similar fashion. However we will just do our duties and enjoy
spiritual flow.
bit about possible UFO/ET disclosure
New Yourk Post writes about
possible disclosure of ufos.
it, Trump signed the $2.3 trillion gov
funding bill
which started an 180 day countdown for the Pentagon etc agencies to
say what they know about UFOs. Sen Rubio pushed
for more UFO transparency.
of Israel's space securityanswers
if aliens exist; "Yes, and Trump knows about it... but he has
not exposed their existence as the Galactic Federation has said;
‘humanity is not ready yet’". Mr Eshed further said. "If
I had come up with what I'm saying today five years ago, I would have
been hospitalized." There is agreement between the US government
and aliens to do experiments. They also work together in Mars,
Eshed, 87, in Israel's
Yediot Aharonot newspaper.
referred to Navy chasing an UFO
as ‘a hell of a video’ and confirmed he attended a briefing on
the encounter. Father’s Day on Don Jr’s TV show, Trump
on Roswell insident 1947; "I won't talk to you about what I
know about it, but it's very interesting." Trump has hinted;
is possible, last year.
Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid (D-Nev.) said the U.S. government has been hiding key
details about UFOs
for years. “I’m saying most of it hasn’t seen the light of
day,” Reid said. New UFO documentary “The Phenomenon,”
U.S. Navy pilots. It also details a 1967
report in which an object made the missiles inoperative. Trailer,
channel; people are now coming up constantly with stories from alien contactees,
besides of more clear UFO sightings