keskiviikko 4. joulukuuta 2013

Western objective and Eastern subjective approach

Sarkar; The invention of fire, marked the most significant day in human history....The use of iron brought a new unfolding to the movement... a new radiance. At that time the wheel had not yet been invented, and thus there were no vehicles. Later, with the help of iron, human beings produced the wheel. They learned to wage war seated in vehicles mounted on wheels. By sharpening the edge of the wheel they invented a weapon called the discus. The boomerang is also a type of discus used by the Maoris of Australia. Wheel marked the beginning of a new era in human civilization. In the absence of wheels, fast moving vehicles could not have been built.

West and East meats; The Mayan civilization is a transplanted Indian civilization. It migrated to Central America during the rule of the Pallavas of South India. (During the Chola, Páńd́ya, and Pahlava dynasties of the Indian Middle Ages) – this was before Columbus' discovery of America. Thus the transplanted Mayan and Indian civilizations existed side by side. The difference between them was that the Indian civilization invented the wheel. Without the wheel, the Mayan civilization lagged behind. 

A full-fledged civilization, with the four symbols of advancement – agriculture, the wheel, dress and script – start ed only about 7,000 years ago... Pictorial letters were invented less than 7,000 years ago, and philosophy was discovered only about 4,000 years ago. People knew how to make steel in the time of the Mahábharata 3,500 years ago.

The oldest script was invented 6,000 years ago and is called “Samalháptii” script. Kharosthi emerged after 1000 years. In those days, people used to write on the skin of sheep. Later they started to write on papyrus, and still later papyrus became paper. Bengali was written with wooden pens and Oriya with iron pens. 

In Tantra, the theory succeeds the practice, that is, the practice precedes the theory. And when the Tantras were invented, there was hardly anything in black and white, because it was practice. Later the Tantras were given book form. 

The process of controlling all the cakras and propensities was invented by Astavakra over two thousand years ago. He wrote the book Aśt́ávakra Saḿhitá. He was a great saint and called this process Rájadhirája Yoga. 

When humans entered the inner world they found that their real wealth lay in increasing their psychic strength and gradually, as their psychic strength increased, it came in contact with spirituality. People discovered that behind psychic power there is another power working and it is this power which provides psychic strength. Human beings then invented Dharma Sádhaná. The first scientist who invented this spiritual science was Lord Shiva who was born about 7000 years ago.

Shiva invented also a unique and perfect dance: táńd́ava. As long as a dancer remains above the ground, he derives much benefit; when he touches the ground, then those benefits are assimilated by the body. That is why in táńd́ava there is much jumping.... The idea behind the invention of Táńd́ava dance is an invariable truth: “I must keep on fighting against destruction through struggle itself....” 

Tandava is an all-corporal exercise, an exercise for the entire body, including the brain...(and help them in their spiritual progress...) But it is not for women. Shiva... invented also mudrá (gesture in dance). Each and every mudrá affects certain human glands in a particular way and thus influences people's minds accordingly. This was Shiva's contribution to the world of dance. 

Lord Shiva started táńd́ava dance, and his spouse, Párvatii, started lalita dance, lalita mármika...Lalita represents that now we are enjoying bliss, we are in a happy mood...It represents the inner voice of the spiritual aspirant. The main thing in lalita mármika is the expression through mudrá. In táńd́ava there is no mudrá. But kiirtana (singing mantra) was first invented by devotees to give joy to Parama Puruśa, and in the process of pleasing and delighting Parama Puruśa, the devotees lost themselves. Thus kiirtana belongs to the category of supra-aesthetic science.

Human beings suffer from various diseases which create minor obstacles in sádhaná. That is why I have invented the Kaośikii dance to fight against petty bodily complaints such as liver disease, etc. which cause inconvenience in sádhaná. This dance is both an exercise, and a medicine for twenty-two diseases. It is a sort of panacea for almost all female diseases, and for many male diseases in younger boys. It assures safe deliveries for women, and also checks the advent of old age.

Jaya shubha vajra dhara shubhra kalevara...[Victory to the benevolent wielder of the thunderbolt...]1. Vajra is a kind of powerful weapon invented and used by Shiva. He used this weapon to protect the honest and virtuous people as well as innocent birds and animals, and to strike at the sinful, violent and arrogant antisocial elements... He would use His weapon only on rare occasions. He never used this weapon against any virtuous person...Those who possess atom and hydrogen bombs have to be taught the lesson that this universe is for human beings and not for demons. More powerful weapons have to be invented to counteract these uncivilized persons.

In hoary past, there was a great philosopher named Maharśi Kańáda. He said in his theory – Kárańábhávát káryábhávah... Kárańa means cause, Abháva means want. Where there is no cause, there cannot be any effect. He was a scientist, and he invented the Atomic Theory. He was Long before Dalton's Atomic Theory, about 1500 years ago, 1000 years after Buddha.

The East, throughout its development, has maintained a subjective approach, whereas western countries put great stress on objective development. Too much emphasis on either one of these approaches is not conducive to the all-round growth of the society. We can build up an ideal society only on the basis of a happy adjustment between the subjective and the objective approaches...

The Asian countries... While the higher knowledge of philosophy propagated by the oriental sages and saints has been accepted as a unique contribution to the store house of human culture and civilization, the people of these lands could not resist the foreign invaders... This imbalance brought about their material deprivation and political subjugation.

The West is completely obsessed with physical development. It has made spectacular progress in the fields of politics, economics, science, warfare, etc. In fact, it has made so much material progress that it seems to be the sovereign master of the water, land and air. But for all that, it is not socially content and miserably lacks spiritual wealth...The theology prevalent in the west there is no concrete spiritual cult.

Therefore, it behoves both the East and the West to accept a synthetic ideology that stands for a happy synthesis between the two. Here, the East can help the west spiritually, whereas the materialistic West can extend its material help to the East. Both will be mutually benefited if they accept this golden policy of give and take...

According to the Indian system, the day begins at sunrise and according to the Western system, it begins at midnight...The science of time measurement was first invented by the Dravidians and later developed by the Vedic Indians and the Arabians (five to six thousand years ago). According to the Arab theory, the easiest way to measure time is to think of the Earth as being fixed. Of course, the Earth is not fixed, but for the convenience of recording time – which is a relative calculation – one may think of it as being so. It will only be possible to measure time accurately if the Earth is accepted as being fixed. But in other countries in those days people believed that the Earth was in motion. They also knew that it is round...from the days of the Yajurveda. If on the other hand, it is accepted, that the Earth is rotating, it will be difficult to measure time as there will be no point to start the measurement from....
And Sarkar ab ideology; “We should always respect our ideology if we are to become true human beings. The ideologist is a man who always acts according to his ideology. If by following the ideology, the older people become unhappy or condemn me, I will not care. If by following an ideology I die and die again, let it be. I will not care. I will stick to my ideology.” 

When Sarkar himself was in jail then Indian PM Indira Gandhi sent a representative to visit Sarkar. On behalf of Mrs. Gandhi, the messenger said; “If You drop Prout from Your agenda everything will be fine.” Sarkar told, “My ideology is more important than my life. I prefer to remain in jail than compromise on My ideology.” By his example we are to understand that standing up for our ideological principles is the greatest endeavor in life.
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Didi Annapurna

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