Shy Soldiers of Odin started in Finland in 2015 as a response to uncontrollable migrant flow and increasing crime. Nowadays Soldiers of Odin operates in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Rebublic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Norway, Poland, Sweden, UK and US. Norwegian Odins patrol streets, because they say; local police can’t handle the illegal migrant threat. Soldiers of Odin in Finland

Testimonial on the Keshe Foundation Magravs Home
Power Supply. November electricity use 2412 kWh, Jan 839 kWh. Saving
195 $ in Jan, ab 60 %, further saving possible;
B.o.B has been tweeting about human cloning centers. Tila Tequila tweeted (but its gone now); ‘May 13. Oh scary. So many celebs have been replaced! They were not compliant so they were replaced with a clone to get the job done… If I stop tweeting abruptly it’s because I was silenced by THEM… Its because I play the crazy card it helps my position, you can’t spit the truth and be sane else you get muted’.
Tygo is wearing clone tea shirt in photos. Katy Perry; ‘Yay! Don’t clone me from the sweat I left on the dress!’. Donnie Chubbs, @tatianasclone to Actor Sarah Paulson, May 11, ‘my guide apparently pointed you filming rebel in the rye’. Actor Sarah Paulson;…’may be it was a clone! Ha! Xxx’
A British researcher has received permission to use new genome editing technique on human embryos, even though researchers throughout the world are observing a voluntary moratorium on making changes to DNA that could be passed down to subsequent generations.
Strange UFO over military base in US, now also in Fox news; Video was shot by a couple near the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, it shows a strange mystery object floating in the air, with strange markings along the side of the craft. Read more:
Hank Jones quantum hypnosis; Lars channels 15 th dimensional being. ‘Ongoing huge shift still 4 more months on our solar system. The increased amount of energy will cause more volcanoes, plates move etc, but we try to take care of it. This is also a boost for consciousness, awareness, collective awakening.
You have been in higher dimension on Atlantis, then the vibration went low on earth, now you are rising again and you will never go back to lower frequency anymore. You have to connect to nature again. By loving yourself you can heal any disease.
Ivan Teller channeling apologetic Sirian ET; The Sirian race was very humanoid, but technologically powerful. They caused human divide, with religions, social clash and finances. My suicide was mistake, Suicide is not a solution. I did so many mistakes, I’m sorry. Your time is now, you will realize you are all connected. Blessings.
Rosa, “Good ETs”, DNA manipulation - Regressive hypnosis by Calogero Grifasi. Manipulating certain DNA parameters, and implanting devices on humans by some ETs. When the plot is exposed, surprisingly we realize that these manipulations have a very different purpose.
Channeling Erik; reptilians can present themselves just as real human. All they have to do is to reflect the energy for us to perceive what we expect to see. They smell, are mischievous and egotistical. (Notice there are good reptilians too, DA).
Erik about the shift; Things are going to change drastically, but it’s not going to seem like the world’s ending. People will be able to adapt very well to the environment that’s changing. Some will transition from Earth because of these changes, but — it’ll be a gradual thing.
David Wilcock; Although things seem “almost too quiet” at the moment, the war in the Secret Space Program world has never been more intense. Due to “masking” technology this war is mostly invisible to us. Unexpected surprise attack from what appears to be the Alliance?
Psychic Focus; Concerns All Over the World; PTB are destabilizing Africa in order to devalue the land, so they can come in and either invest or buy the land, because when economies struggle, the real money will be in natural resources and assets.
In Alberta “those seeking the black gold” wanted the fire to take hold. The real driving force is oil to make Canada the “Saudi of the west.”
Jimstone; Alberta, Fort McMurray fires are staged on purpose by political powers. Rumour has it that the area was surrounded by many military training sites. The city was to be abandoned after it was already stressed by a drop in oil prices. It is a fact that it is sitting on top of a pile of uranium…
In Brazil, the country’s largest newspaper has published a transcript of a secret leaked recording. The words recorded are the plot by the rich Brazilian elite, Brazilian military and Supreme Court to remove the democratically elected president of Brazil. More here. And Iran will provide sex change for free. And oh, Israel appears to be a step a head of Iran with their first trans gender beauty pageant.
Windows 10; Microsoft’s latest trick. Clicking no in the dialog box will trigger the install…(You can disable windows10 in your computer here; EU member states today agreed on having all scientific papers freely available to all people by the year 2020. Source
Web bot predictions for next summer (might take up ten years to come???DA); Heating up sun causes earth to expand. Seasons more out of place. Sinkholes trails across landscapes. Rivers and oil fields disappear. Water “lakes” on the sky. Lightnings under seas and enormous sea life deaths. Mental problems will increase.
Global debt bubble pops out first in EU. Next US dollar death, gold mining. Pension and benefit confiscation causes massive riots, roads blocked for days. Officials taken hostages, lootings. People leave their debts and houses. Panic, chaos, prostitution, child trading. Bartering. In Ireland some ancient discovery. In India severe floodings.
Men In Black Are Following ME!!! On Video! NASA lies! Pluto Images From 3 Years Prior To Probe’s Arrival!; Strange Things Happening in the Sky | Top Videos &25 hf4hs; On Mars; Mars Missions, Johnny Alpha ; Adronis of Sirius Q & A about various upcoming changes.
13 Year Old Creates Energy Harvesting Device And ProtonMail encrypted free email service. Hollywood actor Chuck Norris about chemtrails; Cash-Strapped ISIS Is Selling Sex Slaves On Facebook: Asking $8,000 Each. The harm of cell phone use… on your spine. Girl in Bangladesh with fur all over her body, also face; And Hungarian physicists’ evidence of a mysterious fifth force of nature. If you want to see a “ghost” in UK antique shop;
Didi Annapurna, if you post put my name on it and link it here, thanks!
Take Them Down…
New Economic Model Needed…shows also Web Bot
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Didi Annapurna