maanantai 14. joulukuuta 2020

Exiting Future Vision for Finland


Finland has succeeded well in the world stage with its educational system, providing basic necessities for its citizens and with many more things. The significance of Finland as pioneer will still increase in the future. This is what Indian scientist and Guru, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, anticipated already in 1979.

During these times of coronavirus, the importance of self-sufficient local economy, has become obvious, especially in those countries where basic necessities were brought from China and Africa, and in those countries where own food production is neglected or sold for profit.

PROUT socio-economic theory is a model developed by P R Sarkar. He believed Finland to be amongst the first ones to materialize it. Prout is an alternative to capitalism and communism, which recommends decentralization of economy and barter trade. Basic necessities has to be provided to everyone, mainly through working opportunities. In Finland basic livelyhood is taken care - perhaps better than in any other country already, but more is needed for example by shortening working hours so that there would be jobs available for everyone.

Prout is based also on spirituality. Silent meditation revolution is at present conquering the world, thus spirituality is on the rise commonly. Human being is not only physical, psychic and economic being but also spiritual. It seems Finnish people relate mostly respectfully to different religions and spiritual groups, so spirituality has scope to increase freely. According my own view, taking yoga and meditation into educational programs in schools, would benefit also learning scills and psychic stability.

Sarkar believed also women to be taking more and more leadership roles in society. In this sense also Finnish parliament has already proceeded bravely forward by accepting woman as a prime minister and as a consequence amongst 19 ministers 11 are now women.

Some signs of the down fall of capitalism can be already seen in the world, which besides of covid situation, Sarkar believed to happen when the capitalist exploitation and inequality would increase noticeably. Capitalism has lived its age as an elevator of economic growth, but now more holistic vision is needed for the new phase of human development.

Prout can bring alternative solutions for uplifting the society in order to improve social conditions gradually in Finland.

Finland's new Prime Minister, world's youngest, proposes a 24-hour work week - which some materialists down play straight away. Perhaps they could start with 30-35 working hours

Sarkar requested in 1979 the code DDNN to be remembered, meaning one of these countries, where Prout could be established first in Europe; ‘Finland ends in D, Greenland ends in D, Lisbon ends in N, Dublin ends in N’. However probably all those four DDNN would be at least amongst second ones in Europe. Otherwise in the whole world India, Australia and Latin America (especially Venezuela) could be the first ones to accept Prout, according Sarkar. 

Didi Annapurna

More about Prout in English; The Prout Handy Booklet 

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