maanantai 14. joulukuuta 2020

Exiting Future Vision for Finland


Finland has succeeded well in the world stage with its educational system, providing basic necessities for its citizens and with many more things. The significance of Finland as pioneer will still increase in the future. This is what Indian scientist and Guru, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, anticipated already in 1979.

During these times of coronavirus, the importance of self-sufficient local economy, has become obvious, especially in those countries where basic necessities were brought from China and Africa, and in those countries where own food production is neglected or sold for profit.

PROUT socio-economic theory is a model developed by P R Sarkar. He believed Finland to be amongst the first ones to materialize it. Prout is an alternative to capitalism and communism, which recommends decentralization of economy and barter trade. Basic necessities has to be provided to everyone, mainly through working opportunities. In Finland basic livelyhood is taken care - perhaps better than in any other country already, but more is needed for example by shortening working hours so that there would be jobs available for everyone.

Prout is based also on spirituality. Silent meditation revolution is at present conquering the world, thus spirituality is on the rise commonly. Human being is not only physical, psychic and economic being but also spiritual. It seems Finnish people relate mostly respectfully to different religions and spiritual groups, so spirituality has scope to increase freely. According my own view, taking yoga and meditation into educational programs in schools, would benefit also learning scills and psychic stability.

Sarkar believed also women to be taking more and more leadership roles in society. In this sense also Finnish parliament has already proceeded bravely forward by accepting woman as a prime minister and as a consequence amongst 19 ministers 11 are now women.

Some signs of the down fall of capitalism can be already seen in the world, which besides of covid situation, Sarkar believed to happen when the capitalist exploitation and inequality would increase noticeably. Capitalism has lived its age as an elevator of economic growth, but now more holistic vision is needed for the new phase of human development.

Prout can bring alternative solutions for uplifting the society in order to improve social conditions gradually in Finland.

Finland's new Prime Minister, world's youngest, proposes a 24-hour work week - which some materialists down play straight away. Perhaps they could start with 30-35 working hours

Sarkar requested in 1979 the code DDNN to be remembered, meaning one of these countries, where Prout could be established first in Europe; ‘Finland ends in D, Greenland ends in D, Lisbon ends in N, Dublin ends in N’. However probably all those four DDNN would be at least amongst second ones in Europe. Otherwise in the whole world India, Australia and Latin America (especially Venezuela) could be the first ones to accept Prout, according Sarkar. 

Didi Annapurna

More about Prout in English; The Prout Handy Booklet 

Kirja Kapitalismin Jälkeen, suomeksi,

Finland has the Best Schools – why is that?

Finnish People are Honest

Covid 19 – Microvita, Time for Prout

Why Yogis Should Run the World?


torstai 5. marraskuuta 2020

US election, Covid, Grand solar minimum


In US vote counting is still going on. Biden has reached 264 electoral votes Trump 214 so far. Biden needs 6 votes in order to become president, Vote counting update so far

President Trump’s campaign filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia about possible fraud. Trump campaign also is questioning Supreme Court, whether ballots received up to three days after the election can be counted,

Psychic Focus also expecting voter fraud; Democrats are in process of falsifying votes. When they come to conclusion that they are not winning, they will delay the counting and falcify votes, Psychic Focus,

Fulford; The White Dragon Society is calling for the military in the U.S. and Canada to declare a state of emergency. They need to explain to the people of North America that democracy has been hijacked by criminal gangs led by smooth-talking fanatics. Only a restored North America in alliance with Russia will be able to prevent a Chinese takeover of the planet.

Update from Benjamin Fulford source's; Trump won 80% of the legal votes. Trump is about to expose the election fraud as clever trap was set up by putting a secret mark on all ballots. Joe Biden and his fellow criminals including CIA will be charged. Marine Corps Intelligence Robert David Steele is being considered for next President of the United States of North America and Cynthia McKinney vice-president. Many Western governments are now embracing Asian style future planning instead of capitalism, Source Benjamin Fulford; Biden and Fortune 500 Families Fall Into Trap

Let's not forget that Fulford has been wrong many times...

Short funny videos which tell something about Biden's and Trump's personalities

Biden says: I don’t need to get me elected, I need you once I am elected...

(Lets not post the fraud and pornographic videos of Biden’s son Hunter…)

Here comes Trump,

Comment by Gary White I just finished reading a book called "The Last President" by Ingersoll Lockwood. It was written in 1896, 124 years ago. It is eerily predictive of what is happening today. He talks about how the Populist President won, but the Socialists, Anarchists, and Separatists (exact words) form mobs and violently protest the results, storming their way to the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, the exact location where Trump Tower sits today. And one of his Cabinet members is named Pence. How spooky is that? Now , this will really brake your noodle. He wrote another book around the same time called "Travels and Adventures of Little Barron Trump". I am not making this up. You can download the books yourself. Time travel info......????


Covid traveling 

I was traveling from Finland to Poland countryside recently, the trip took 28 hours due to covid restrictions. In Warsaw airport I had to find a bus to Zachodnia train station. It was so difficult as nobody spoke English and it was late night already. Eventually I had to ask Baba, my Guru, to help me and then spontaneously I “happen” to jump into one bus which was just leaving the airport. However the direction were the bus was heading was wrong, but there “happen” to be one person who spoke English. He eventually got out of the bus with me and helped to find local train to Zachodnia station. He told me he was Hindu, which is very unusual in Poland, so I felt Baba had pushed me in that bus, where I found him, who's religion has some similarities to our mission.

We had nice discussion and I was more than grateful for him. I was then sitting in Zachodnia station whole night waiting for train, as buses were fully booked due to restricted passenger number in buses. Finally I reached our countryside MU, where there is no restrictions - or need to have even face mask on. In August-September we had done LFT training session, so the one ready made LFT had been taking care of the MU in my absence.


Covid cases are increasing again in EU. Governments are panicking and people demonstrating. World is in turmoil... Our people have already used to face oddities, clash and cohesion during our training sessions, now it is time for everyone to become strong and learn to face all kind of difficulties. Kiirtan is certainly number one to assist in this regard. Our people are doing kiirtan online all over the world. It brings joy and meaning to life and not only for us, but for the whole world. Its vibration is undulating all over. Public is also coming along to dance kiirtan, here one occasion in Helsinki,


Now a bit about Grand solar minimum. In Finland, my - more than 77 years old - sister wanted to meet me, because she had come to conclusion that it is not any global warming, but grand solar minimum happening now. She wanted me to know about it, and to start prepping for coming colder times. I was totally surprised, because she has never been any conspiracy theorist, and grand solar minimum seem to be yet rather in that category.

She was also surprised, that I agreed some of what she said, especially that carbon dioxide has no role in weather changes. We were first having the conversation outside in a park, but when it started raining, she suggested us to sit inside the kids play house there. Thanks for the covid, it was such a wonderful feeling to sit there with her. 


What comes to grand solar minimum, the main stream media seldom even mentions it, but it has been acknowledged even by NASA scientists. What it means is not exactly clear, because it can be severe or less. However certainly it means more weather fluctuations. Food prises will increase, and in order to manage better, some people have to be ready to move to countryside.


NASA’s studies about Grand Solar Minimum seem to be very contradictory. According scientist Kitiashvili, the next solar cycle 25 (2020-2050) will be the weakest of the last 200 years. The sunspot number - solar activity level — could become 30 to 50% lower than normal.

Another NASA’s research contradicts it,

Here's Why Food Prices Will Double then Triple, Are You Ready?

All planets are heating up according some sources,


UFOs are getting more and more amazing,

Baba, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, has said that when the Earth gets overcrowded, people will fly to other planet to live. And when people wish to travel in the future, they will be able to leave their bodies in body 'banks', send their brain to their destination, and when they reach there, take another body from a body bank.

Didi Annapurna

Breaking Update on Pole Shift and Eve of Ice Age

Trump Attends Meetings about SSP and ETs - on spac... 

The Prout Handy Booklet  


torstai 15. lokakuuta 2020

Take Meditation Steps


Lonely, bored, depressed or just yearning for spirituality? It is time to learn kiirtan and meditation which can help greatly to scope with present isolation situation. Meditation can change your life, uplift you spiritually and prevent new karma creation. Besides, kiirtan has also tendency to prevent viruses and other negative forces of attacking

Meditation techer Dada Gatimayananda introduces Meditation in Helsinki - Meditation center

Saturday 24th of October, at 1-4 PM

Lapinlahdenpolku 8, Helsinki




keskiviikko 3. kesäkuuta 2020

Prediction of China - India War

Almost one month China has been attacking India in Sikkim and Ladakh area. Concern is, whether it would lead to a real war. China continues to build up its army along the Indian border area. Recently China was seen deploying artillery and tanks. India has also started now deploying its forces in large numbers.

Gravitas: Tensions prevail at India-China border standoff. Recently China has also shown expansionist efforts towards Taiwan and Honkong, Wion,

During previous Chinese conflict with India in 1962, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti predicted that China is going to attack India in the future with a massive military force and conquer Indian area up to Mokama (bridge). China is not happy that India supports Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan. Besides China has problem to feed its population and needs more land. China has only ab 10 % arable land and is still industrialising more areas, while India has rich Deccan plateau and 80% agriculture land.

Pakistan and communists within India will support China during this war. Pakistan will overtake Kashmir, but will eventually merge into India. USA will be hesitating to help India, due to facing financial problems. Russia realizes China wants to be world superpower by what ever means. Eventually USA and Russia will join India to defeat China due to fear that India would become communist country. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti have even explained how China will be defeated eventually. Lets keep it secret, except I mention that Ananda Marga will play its own role to stop the war and you will certainly hear about it.

After the war India will grow economically, politically and spiritually and in the future it will become important, leading nation. Taiwan will also gain bright future. These predictions are told by followers of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, so everything might not be exactly according what He has said. And let’s still hope that China-India war doesn’t need to happen as humans have free will...

Ananda Marga becoming well known also due to service it is providing

Kiirtan is also done for service, our people are singing on social media all over the world these days to rise the vibration,

Prem-Baba’s devotees are also singing nicely our universal mantra

Let’s see what astrologer Joni Patry expects for China and India. She predicted the coronavirus situation quite well.

The future of India, Joni Patry: This entire year until 2021 will be very intense. India has to be very very careful against their enemies, because there's possible serious attacks or invasions from other countries causing great problems for India. Watch how the summer months go.

There's going to be also conflict between China and United States. India is going to need help with their economy big time this year. Until April 2022 India is dealing with opponents

March, April 2020 prediction for China: disease, death, opposition, economic losses. From June 21st to the end of June; secrets, hidden agendas exposed, attacks with foreign countries. Explosive events are about to occur. In September lots of warring between US and China. Secrets by President known before September, China's Future and the Coronavirus,

Gravitas: Pakistan 'Spy diplomats' caught red-handed, tensions escalate, Beijing warns India,

Swami Vivekananda; There will be great danger of India being conquered by China, with English subtitles,

He has been predicting for some years: India will win against China in the war going to take place. The war is unavailable,

There was great conflict between India and China in 1962. (Is India/China war going in the direction towards 1962? Prediction by Astrologer KM SINHA, but no English, Nostradamus predicts Pakistan and China can jointly attack on India, no English,

Interesting predictions from Joni Patry for June

June 13 th scandals, untruths fed by media and conspiracy theorists. We should not let the negativity destroy us. Secrets will come out of the dark to bring the light. June 18 th, communications, travel going haywire. Riots, terrorism for the next six months. Earth changes, oil and gas prices up.

Solar eclipse on June 21 st, dramatic events concerning countries. June 29 - 30 th incredible things will unfold that we never thought possible in our lifetime. Also exposing what China has been up to.

September 19 th till March 15th of 2022 there's going to be great healing period (covid) similar to penicillin discovery in 1929, or 1798 smallpox vaccine. September is a turning point into the light. See more,

Didi Annapurna

The Future Superpower India and Its Kalki Avatar -...

perjantai 17. huhtikuuta 2020

Avidya Tantric or real Buddha Boy?

Avidya tantrics are seen in those countries where there are yogis (India, China etc). While vidya tantric moves towards divine, Cosmic Consciousness - avidya tantric moves away from divine creator, towards degeneration. Both they practice meditation and yoga which arose occult powers. While vidya tantric will not use the gained occult powers in any ways, or at least not in a negative way, the avidya tantric uses them in an egoistic ways. They remain totally preoccupied with the attainment of fame, prosperity and enjoyment. Avidya actually means blindness for reality.

Eventually they use siddhis including hypnotism, clairvoyance and telepathy - to control, abuse, frighten and mislead others. With the help of their sense organs and ectoplasm they may create positive hallucinations. They can make you to see an object that is not there. Also avidya tantric sitting in a meditation posture, with the help of their ectoplasmic stuff, can create a ‘body’ for some detached mind, which then for example throws bricks or bones to some house. At the time avidya’s own body remains motionless.

It is like a dog chewing a bone. There is nothing in the bone, but while chewing, the dog’s lips get cut and bleeding starts. It sucks its own blood, yet it considers the blood as juice coming out of the bone. Though actually the dog is getting hurt it imagines that it is feeling happiness. Such thing happens on account of Avidya”. Ananda Vacanamrtam part 2, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

The best way to stop avidya tantric’s harmful action, is to make him angry by being provocative, which cuts his psychic concentration. Avidya tantric disturbs spiritual people more often than ordinary persons. In order to fight against avidya forces, one must use sufficient weapons – meditation practices, follow moral principles, and by physical means; shaking, making angry or using weapon even.

Now there is a yogi, Ram Bomjon, Maitreay Guru, widely respected in Nepal and abroad as the Buddha Boy. However perhaps he is just an avidya tantric. There are many claims that Bomjon has kept women tied in ropes and tortured them for months with the help of his followers. Village people has had their own battles with him. Obviously he has been giving bribes to police and government officials to hide his misdeeds.

I wanted to tell about this ‘yogi’, just because many devotees don’t seem to know about avidya tantrics and follow any gurus blindly. Many of our acaryas has met avidya tantrics and been harassed by them. How then to know, who is avidya and who is vidya tantric? One sign of avidya tantric is, that the person is using occult powers in a selfish or negative way, or just for show. Another sign is, avidya person is not doing any service, but just expecting service from others. On the contrary, vidya tantric is not engaged with occult. He has morality, service mindedness, he lives simple life and keeps good company.

The more highly elevated yogi is, the more easy it is to fall down and get engaged with avidya forces. In case of Buddha Boy, he has actually practiced meditation since childhood, so may be he got high and then lost his way. He probably has been a yogi already in his past life 

Mareechi (Marichi) from Slovakia was a devotee of Buddha Boy Bomjon before she became a victim of him and his close follower group. She was tortured for three months in 2012, and released in bad condition. She has made several videos about her torture and also exposing details around Bomjon, knowing him well, as she was also his google group monitor.  

Arrest Warrant against Bomjon issued recently in 2020

Deputy Superintendent, “The search for Bomjon will continue until he is found”,

Bomjon came to a wider public attention in 2005 when he started meditating under a tree and continued it for six years without eating or drinking. This video shows Bomjon meditating at least four days and nights, but Mareechi says, during claimed six years of meditation, Bomjon was actually doing everything; eating, travelling etc,

Bomjon using black magic as any avidya tantric - sounds like psychopath (English subtitles),

Some proof of Mareechi's torture, and police not helping her, When Bomjon finally released Mareechi due to pressure by media, she was taken first to jail. In this video she is leaving Nepal, still scared, (English subtitles),

Latest promotion video about Buddha Boy, doesn’t it look a bit like a show, would real guru present himself like this?

Bomjon burning in fire, magic or trick,

Here is lot of information about Bonjom,

And here,

Villagers have said Bomjon used handle of an axe to attack them,

This is the latest net page by Bomjon with thousands of followers marching in Nepal barefoot, holding up placards introducing the new world order,

Here you can see a real 'vidya' yogi - a cat,

Here amazing little ‘vidya’ angel from Colombia,

In Finland about 70-80 years ago, there was ab 8-9 years old ‘vidya’ boy, who started himself a school, and got other children helping him with everything. This way they educated for years those poor kids who didn’t have otherwise chance for schooling. 

Didi Annapurna