torstai 18. tammikuuta 2024

How to Grow Food in Wasteland


It is better to be a bit self-sufficient, if the earthly crises will get more deeper. Our collective farm is using several methods of growing food on wasteland, where nothing has been growing before – on the place covered with weeds, and stones and even broken tiles buried on the soil.

The first method which is the most easy, needs only cutting and collecting some grass. One may use even dry hay from bales. Then one needs about 10 litre of soil for planting the seeds. Lets say you want to grow 4 zuchini or pumpkin plants and get about 20-30 kg, then you need a piece of land, about 2 x 2 meters. You may have it on your front, or back yard between trees, or on the cliff area – or may be even in the forest.


Cut and collect first the grass and pile it into 6 mounds like anthill, about 40 cm high, under you may put some leaves also. Tear the top open of each mound and press into bowl form. You may put now a plastic or cartoon edging on the “bowls”, but not on the bottom. Fill the “bowls” each with about 2 liter of good soil. The edging keeps the soil more tight. Put the seeds inside the soil and keep watering regularly in the beginning.

Although you have only little soil, it will be enough for zuchini to grow, because the mound starts to de-compost slowly so the roots can eventually grow deeper. You can plant this way early on as the compost keeps the soil warm and if freezing cold comes, you can cover the seedlings easily with some pot or plastic bag. You may also cover the soil between the mounds with something, so that the possible grass will not grow too high. This way you can grow zuchinis, pumpkins (especially hokkaido), beans, flowers etc. I have not grown others, but you may do some experiments.

Another very productive method is to cover all over the wasteland area with 15-30 cm layer of hay, better to do it in the autumn already. Voles love it and will mess up the soil and hay already during winter, which is good in this case (but they don’t seem to disturb when the actual plants are growing). In the spring time cover the area with black canvass, which the rain can go through (buy from garden shop, you can use it for many years). Make holes on the canvas according the size of the plant.

Pumpkin needs about 10-20 cm diameter hole, like ‘bowl’. The distance between each pumpkin should be about one meter, for zucchinis less and for beans 50 cm, but plant 2-3 beans in the same hole. Make a hole not only to canvas, but also on the hay, so that you can put about 2-3 liter good soil on that ‘bowl’ and the seeds. The top of the soil should be little bit below the hole on the canvas. If there is grass land under the hay ‘bowl’, you may put some piece of cardboard to prevent grass growing.

This way the plants grow even better than with the first method. The canvas keeps the soil warm and damp so the hay becomes composted very fast. Zuchini hardly needs less watering, pumpkin needs more. We have got this way really a lot of zucchinis and pumpkins. Each plant tend to grow many more zucchinis than in normal garden soil. One plant had even about ten zuchinis at the same time. And I never before have got so many huge beans growing from each bush. Cabbages and tomatoes would probably grow as well.

The problem with this system can be, if the garden plot is in direct sunshine, that the plants might not be able to tolerate the heat created by the composting and black canvas, so it would be better if the area is part time in shade, but depends on the weather.

The third method is a hay bale garden, which I found from internet. One may put about 10 hay bales side by side or in lines. The bales are better to be touching each other, so the moist is vaporizing less. Now you dig a hole or two, in the middle of each hay bale, depending what you want to grow. Fill the hole with some good soil, put the seeds and keep on watering the hay bales all over. You can grow this way cabbages, cucumbers, spinach, flowers, tomatoes etc. The hay bales will eventually also de-compose, but it is quite slow process.

One summer when it was raining little, I found this way to grow food more difficult and heavy, as I had to keep on watering every day, while the other methods needed much less water. I don’t know if it would work out to put the hay bales inside a plastic to keep them moist, but it might not look nice. Anyhow this type method is more for show, a hobby for those who want to spend a lot of time on setting up the system and watering. Then you still need to remove also the mess in the autumn.    

I have also grown most of my veggies by covering the soil with hay like Ruth Stout’s Garden;

but as I have big garden, I only cover it with hay when the plants has started growing, and in the autumn we use tractor to plough the soil. ………………………………………

This way you don’t need much fertilizers for your plants, but you may collect nettles and put in water bucket. Cover and let it stand in a sunny place for couple of weeks. When using take couple liter of the liquid and add into bucket of water and give to your plants. The composted nettle leaves and stems you may put on top of the soil around your plants.

If there is near by a stone factory or stone cutting place, and if you can get some of the left over powdered stone, that is the best fertilizer you can ever get. Homeopathic minerals can also help a lot. Mixed planting, for example beans help other plants to grow nicely. Collect the worms out from different cabbage plants. Notice also, that your plants have feelings. They appreciate a lot of your loving thoughts – sing them, kiss them or play soft music, meditate in your garden.

Now how do you get water for your wasteland garden? If you have some roof to collect rain water and store in buckets. Even if you don’t have roof from where to collect water, in some empty area, dig about 50 cm deep pond, buy some plastic to cover it all over. Here in Poland we can get plastic even 8 m in diameter. Kitchen and bath water can be also collected for gardening.

Keshe foundation explains also how to make rain catcher. I managed to make one kind of by accident, when experimenting with gans and health pens etc. Though it was catching only few milliliters in a couple of days, but could it be made more effective who knows!!!

Other hints for gardening;

I find parsnip easy to grow, you may put the seeds already in the autumn on soil. Most of the people seem to like parsnip juice. In the autumn I take many plants (kale, celery, fennel, swiss chard etc) from garden with roots and soil into buckets and keep over the winter in the wood store, where there is window, so I can eat wintertime and keep some for next year to plant. Zuchini and hokkaido pumpkin will stay just like that in warm place many months.

You may also grow in containers outside;

Or indoors;

And easy to grow;

Plotters turn wasteland into a garden;

See more instructions about Hay Bale Gardening

Didi A Asha, if you post link it here, thanks!

Prepping for Golden Age

How to manage with coming economic crises

Galloping jump from evolutionary night to dawning light

keskiviikko 17. tammikuuta 2024

My Heavenly Experience


Luminous Ainjali Enjoying Life

When I was assisting to run a children’s home in Kenya, I used to be constantly very concerned about death, and wanted to know how it would be to die. In my mind I even asked my Guru to demonstrate it somehow to me. 


Our scriptures say that while we die, the last thing that we think matters. When we practice regularly meditation, it suppose to make us to remember the Supreme Consciousness, at the time of death, and thus ensure out merger into the Cosmic Consciousness. I used to do four times a day meditation, but still I worried how could I remember the Supreme as my last thought if I would die. I thought instead I might panic with pain or something.


I suppose, because of my strong desire to know, I was given a chance to experience all of it – but for that, I had to go to hospital due to very stupid reason. I got some ulcerative inflammation and doctor recommended to take antibiotics. I refused, but when the homeopathic medicines also didn’t help, it made my doctor to decide that I had to go for operation. As we were missionary workers, our yogis used to have free doctors, dentists and homeopaths, so he probably thought I was not able to pay, so he arranged me into some poor hospital in Nairobi.


The male anesthesia nurse without any uniform came to receive me on the door. He took me straight a way to the operation table. After some time the female doctor came in. I got totally scared as she looked so awkward, hair hanging on her face, and also her behavior was more than impolite. Obviously I couldn’t escape anymore. In my mind, I was thinking that I will die in their hands, as also the male nurse giving anesthesia didn’t look even any nurse. I blacked out, remembering just to fear my possible death – and not any Cosmic consciousness.


But immediately when I passed off, I was faced with light of my Guru that drew me automatically towards. At that moment I didn’t care anymore about anything else. It became such a peaceful, beautiful and joyful submersion into divinity, that I never could imagine – although I had experienced some glimpses of it during meditation. I was one with my Guru, one with the Cosmic Consciousness, one with the Divine.


After the operation, I woke up already before I was even taken into my room. I just remember myself whispering to my fellow missionaries, who had come to see me; “I was there where our Guru is. I want to go back, I want to go back.” They didn’t say anything, just helped me to get ready to leave.


When we were already leaving the hospital, I met the anesthesia nurse still and told him my experience. He said it happened because he gave only half anesthesia. 


After reaching home I called my usual doctor, he just told me in a hurry; ‘you have to take now antibiotics, no excuse’. First I was really angry, why he didn’t convince me to take instead of operation, but then I realized that probably it all happened, because of my strong desire to experience “death”. And in order to get me out of curiosity and worry my Guru had to do quite a job to arrange it for me. What we ask we might get, but we may have to pay the “costs” ourselves. Anyhow after all, I’m just grateful of this experience.


Since then I lost all my concerns about death. I used to have also some strange experiences while I was a child, as I flew out of my body to a tunnel before falling asleep, but I don’t remember anything what happened on the other side of the tunnel.


My heavenly experience made me convinced that everyone who meditates and has got experiences of Cosmic Consciousness – God or what so ever name we use – gets automatically drawn towards the Divine Creator at the end of life and will merge into Cosmic consciousness. There are though many highly educated in practices, who want to come still back to help humanity. Later on I also passed an exam and got readiness to return after death for service work.


When we read others near death experiences – stories about how they met in the other side their relatives, Jesus, God, light, or even some kind of hell – it all seem to happen according their expectations. So it matters what we think in our daily lives, although I don’t believe anybody will stay forever in the hell that they created themselves. DA


Here collection of excerpts from our Guru’s discourses related to death; Death is nothing but a change. From childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to adolescence, and when one is old and dies, then one is born as a baby – it is also a change. But where the link between the preceding stage and the succeeding stage is missing, we say it is physical death.


When a person becomes unconscious or is made so with the help of anesthesia, his or her brain becomes non-functional for some time. The state of unconsciousness and that of death are similar except that the former is momentary.


Now, what is death? After death the mind and atman (unit consciousness) become dissociated from the decaying body. Hence a human being’s individuality and his or her feeling of “I” will not die. So on the Day of Judgement, who will rise from the grave? The body cannot rise since it has already turned into soil. Here is another point – human beings do not have to wait for the Day of Judgement, their judgment is tied to their actions.


Wherever there is an action there is an equal and opposite reaction. One has been performing some action or other right up to the moment of death and will have to experience the reactions of those actions. In order to experience these reactions and because of its inability to experience these reactions without the brain – the mind has to take shelter in a new body in a subsequent birth.


Hence the concept of hell or heaven where human beings are supposed to proceed after death is entirely incorrect. It is in this mortal world only that one has to be reborn to experience the pleasures of heaven and the sufferings of hell; good results from good deeds and bad results from bad ones.


After death Cosmic Consciousness selects the proper field (body), to suit the potential reactions. Such a body may be available in a day, or it may even take millions of years to discover it, for the mind cannot take shelter in a body, if the requirements of potential reactions are not obtained.


Death is necessary. Assuming that unit consciousness could continue in one body till it gets merged in Cosmic Consciousness, we are faced with the possibility of one body continuing for millions of years, as the chain of actions and reactions may not free the unit consciousness earlier than that. This would result in a total stoppage of the evolution of factors in a body for millions of years.


All beings want to preserve their existence to attain happiness. People do not want to die, for they know happiness cannot be achieved after death. This is the main cause behind the dread of death. But those who do not find pleasure or happiness at all in life, become weary of their lives and commit suicide, thinking their lives to be a burden. It is because they no longer regard life as a means of attaining happiness, that they destroy it.


If one thinks of money all the time, one will become crudified... Human movement towards ‘animality’ is not life, it is death. Association by proper adjustment and parallelism between the psychic and physical bodies causes life, and dissociation under adverse conditions results in death – the body and the mind will dissociate. There are two causes of death: physical and psychic. Physical death occurs when the waves of the physical structure become crudified due to old age or physical deficiency. Psychic death occurs due to psychic clash.... In this case also, loss of parallelism will occur, and the physical and psychic bodies shall dissociate...


Waste no time. Every minute takes you nearer to the grave. This mission of life – to become one with Cosmic Consciousness, God – has to be fulfilled here and now. Death will not be painful for you, because in death too you attain Him. Merge with Him with all your love. By knowing Him alone one overcomes death.


Now the element of physicality is predominant, but in future the psychic element will become predominant. And that day when the entire living world – dashing through a transitory phase of psychic – will become spiritual will not be in the distant future.


Erik’s stories might be something to consider. He is now “dead”, but after his suicide he, as a soul, is in contact with his mother through several mediums. They are not only telling messages from Erik, but also from other “dead” people that Erik is bringing to be interviewed. About near death experiences Erik says; 99.9% of people who come back to earthly life have changed perspectives, always positive... there is not really death, as the soul continues its life, not only in the other side, but into other earthly lives as well;

Videos what people experience near-death;

Didi A Asha, if you post my article, link it here.

Amazing NDE Cases, Irrespective of Religion

Celebs from Afterlife


tiistai 16. tammikuuta 2024

The Future Human ET


Dr. Alan Kwan, PhD from Washington University and designer Lamm have made fancy computational features of future human being. Kwan expects that the human head, brain and eyes will become larger, with improved night vision. In order to protect humans from cosmic rays the eyes would be blinking sideways and have contact lenses. He says that humankind will also be able to increase the size of heads for larger brains.

What Is The Future Of Human Evolution? GMO fashion people... vegetarian, divine ?

 Humans in 1000 Years,  

How will humans look like in 1,000 years? We could have dark skin red eyes and be taller and thinner (due to global warming) and have superhuman abilities. Human form may depend also on artificial intelligence and genetic mutations. Human bodies could be partly machine. 

Dr Sofia Pineda Ochoa, based on Dr Roberts research, explain how the humans suppose to be rather herbivorous. Is that our future? Meat Your Future – Are humans omnivores, carnivores or herbivores?

According recent article on Mirror, UK, Paleo-anthropologist Dr Skinner, at University of Kent, speculates that human beings will evolve according the climate and living conditions. One of his scenarios speculate that humans could be colonising other planet, where they could develop longer arms and legs, like human orangutans. Dr Skinner believes that in any case the human race will strive to avoid extinction.

There are also some concerns that designer babies could become a reality. Britain’s fertility watchdog approved the genetic modification of human embryos. Will human cloning be common in the near future? Celebrities Exposing Human Cloning on Twitter!

Whistleblowers talk about Area 51, alien J-Rod as being a future human. More time travellers from the future; /conspiracy-theories/2016/01/ufo-time-traveling-human-beings-the-message-et-survival-and-world-war-iii-video-2473436.html

Fifteen years ago Russian molecular biologists, Drs. Gariaev & Poponin, were able to change the information patterns in the DNA with voice modulated laser light and were able to convert a frog embryo into a salamander embryo. And more… Will scientists also start creating different human species?

In the future there will be two different kinds of humans. The intelligent people body shape will be larger, softer figure. There will be different strands of DNA. In thousands of years or so people will start consuming energy instead of food. Humans will be able to go in and out of body. Science will turn more towards spirituality.

Acknowledging that in probing the origins of life, material explanations are not always, automatically the best ones, book Recent video; Way Beyond Darwin Evolution of Human Consciousness and the Future of Interpretation;

Way Beyond Darvin Evolution,

Indian scientist Sarkar went beyond Darwin’s theory of natural selection and random mutation. He said that due to collective longing for physical objects a group of living beings may cause a change in their physical structures over time, but only if it is supported by macrocosm.

Excerpts from Sarkar in 1979-89; Life becomes easier and the physical capacity of human beings will gradually decrease. A day will come when the eyes, teeth and the bones in the human body will become weak, with thin limbs and a disproportionately big head. This change will come soon and fast. Human beings will be able to increase life longevity by replacing old glands with new ones.

Human beings will be making tremendous progress in the realms of intellectuality and intuition. The efferent nerves will be more active than the afferent nerves, and subtle (spiritual) experiences will be more common than they are now. The cranium will become larger and the nerve fibres will become more complex.

When laboratory babies will be produced, nature will slowly snatch away the child-producing capacity of men and women. Those laboratory boys and girls will be more mentally and spiritually developed than the mortals of the present day.

Eventually the humans will move to other planets, to a far greater enlightenment and will become divine through spiritual practices. “So I advise each human being you should try to build yourself in a nice way, in a complete way and you should also build human society in the same way”.

Let’s say if the human beings start to work more with their brains and less physically due to increase of robots, then humans may desire collectively to have more big and effective brain and end up getting it – and perhaps start looking more like ETs! Lots of people are also longing to reach fourth density, so let’s see what changes that will bring! DA
The human brain is evolving–getting bigger and able to handle more complex calculations–according University of Chicago study;

Why did the human brain become so complex? When did humans evolve such huge brains? The bodies of Homo erectus (1.7 million years ago) brains were nearly half the size of present human. The size of the brain of humanoids has increased three times in the last two million years, Hofman 2002.

Didi A Asha, If you post my article, link it here.

The Mysterious Origin of Life

Sarkar and others predict the future

Time for Prout?

Galloping jump into future

Quantum jump

From evolutionary night to dawning light


sunnuntai 14. tammikuuta 2024

Yogis Walk Among Us !

You might think that the ancient tradition of Himalayan yogis has already waned away, but no – these days they just walk among us. As in the past, also today you have to do a lot of research in your mind in order to find one. These sadhus and swamis now dedicate themselves for working among society and rendering meditation teachings and service to humanity. They seldom appear on TV shows – one has to search with a hunger for spirituality in order to find them.

Not all are that high as the highest – and that is good, as many people also might not be able to scope with the highest of the yogis (or would you follow a yogi who doesn’t speak anything, or who is behaving like insane or living naked?). Anyhow the present yogis are able to give initiations and bring people to a contact with Guru and the divine.

Yogis gather in Germany

The spiritual momentum of earth is now; don’t miss your chance to be one of the pioneers when the earth is turning into saintly, divine place. When you study, work or offer service, it should be based on spiritual wisdom, in order the greatest success to be guaranteed. The spiritual path is not that difficult – but full of blessings and realizations it is.

Meditate what? Beginners, whose mind can be quite crude still, is better to concentrate during their meditation on love, universal (divine) love. It is the expression and inner spirit of the cosmic consciousness and the creation and a pleasant idea to concentrate on. It creates devotion, which is helpful in keeping one in the spiritual path. It also makes one more loving in daily life. We are not only physical and mental (and economic) beings, but also spiritual, so we should spend a bit of our time with spiritual practices also. The cosmic consciousness surely provides inspiration, guidance and even answers through meditation.

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Baba has said; ‘In order to turn personified love into universal love one must color the molecules and atoms of this dusty earth with one’s love. A person who has developed universal love will be able to do very great work. The universal love which has remained suppressed in the human mind is bound to express itself one day. That day is not very far away. When love awakens those sleeping souls, then true human beings will emerge.’

When one sings kiirtan (mantra), a divine vibration is produced that prepares the mind and the body for meditation. .... Kiirtan creates an electromagnetic field. The reason that it acts as a universal remedy is that it attracts the grace of the Supreme Consciousness because it is an expression of devotional love.

Love kiirtan, get inspired, Taivan

In search of yogis and swamis in India, Ac Cidananda (ab 1838-2010) tells; Once a Naga Baba (naked saint) appeared near by. He didn’t speak anything to children gathering around. The children helped him to take bath and gave him food.  

Between 1975-77 in India Ac Cidananda visited many saints, sadhus and swamis. Once he was in Haridwar he came to a hut, where inside there was an old Sadhu lying down on the floor. He was Naga Baba and they both remembered still each other from the childhood meeting. This time Naga Baba was already 130 years old.

While on gateway to Himalayas Ac Citananda met another claimed to be 130 years old, Ramananda Avadhuta. In Rishikesh he met Pagala Baba (Insane Saint). He told to Ac Cidananda: ‘If I don’t behave like insane, people disturb me all the time. Tell to your Gurudeva, that Pagala Baba gives his pranam to Him (spiritual greeting)´.

Ac Citananda stayed in Rishikesh also with Swami Bhjananda Saraswati, who had 25 students. He used to be very strict and beat his students with stick. There was also a debate going on about different paths of yoga and Vedanta. Ac Cidananda was able to explain that yoga and Vedanta were complementary to each other. Jatadhari Baba´s specialty was that he used his matted hair as a cloth in his cave. Jasmine like fragrance floated from his body (quite common when people do a lot of meditation).

In Uttar Kashi on his journey up, Ac Cidananda started to see snow covered peaks of Himalayas. He was welcomed to a wooden house, where sannyasi Vrksha Vasi Baba was doing penance (constant meditation) for years. In Gangotri area Swami Shardananda was sitting almost always in meditation. Since 1957 he never went down from Himalayas.

River Ganges starts from opening on the mountain, Gomukh where water flows amongst medical herbs, providing it with medical value. Ac Cidananda stayed there in an empty rock cave for 3 days without eating, except drinking water and doing constant meditation. His Guru Baba appeared and requested Ac Cidananda to finish his Himalayan tour soon as there was some work waiting for him.

Anyhow Ac Cidananda wanted still see higher Himalayas, Gangotri. He had to sleep on a tent, as it was very cold – still the area was full of flowers with beautiful fragrance. There his desire – to experience snowing and even eating mangoes – got fulfilled, when some sadhu arrived and provided the mangoes for him. Later in 1981 when Ac Cidananda met his Guru Baba, He said: Do you know that sometimes even at Gangotri 18 000 above the sea, I have to provide mangoes and snowfall.

On Nepal side 1976, Ac Cidananda met Avadhutika, whose body was covered by ashes. He said: `Your Guru will come out soon, do more meditation´. Ac Cidananda visited also Madhura and Vrindava, Krishna´s places. Sadhus were doing there constant repetition of Hare Krishna mantra.

In Dandi Swami´s place Ac Cidananda had interesting discussions with Rameshavan, who had joined once the famous and mysterious India’s independence movement and had met Gandhi, Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose in Delhi. After Rameshavan had started to search for Guru.

Swami Viirjananda offered one of his Ashrams to Ac Cidananda. He considered it, but understood, that it would not be the best way for him to serve the humanity by taking care of some Ashram. There he had also experience of snake sleeping near his body. Many times when people do meditation snakes come to “warm up”, but they don´t bite.

Ac Cidnanda’s Gurudeva’s mission spread throughout the world. He sent Ac Cidananda to Philippines to start a training centre, where he worked then most of his life. Besides he and the trainees did a lot of social service. Source: Ac Cidananda’s books.

I personally went once to visit the training centre in Davao and met also Ac Cidananda, humble, smiling, loving and disciplined yogi. One day the trainees returned from their trip – dirty, tired and quiet. They had distributed food and helped near by villagers to build up new huts from straw and clay after guerrillas had burnt the village down. The trainees hesitated to tell me that when they were driving back by Jeep the guerrillas were shooting their car with guns. Nobody got hurt, they were saved miraculously. It was not first time experience for them in that hostile area – of being saved. When you do selfless service you are protected, that was their experience. I had very similar experiences in Nairobi streets, but that’s another story. Ac Cidananda trained hundreds of yogies, who are now creating more and more yogies, dedicated for meditation and social service.

Some research on meditation;

Meditate and your brain grows; Researchers have found that experienced meditators had increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input. A study in University of California has shown that meditation may affect multiple pathways in brain aging and preventing dementia. Those who meditated for eight weeks had measurable increase in gray-matter density in the hippocampus, an area important for learning and memory, and reduction of gray-matter and thus anxiety and stress. 

MRI scan; ‘We found that regions of the brain that are intimately involved in the control of attention were more activated in the long-term meditation practitioners’. Davidson; ‘Most people, if they heard a baby screaming, would have some emotional response, but not the highly experienced meditators. They do hear the sound, we can detect that in the auditory cortex, but they don’t have the emotional reaction (during meditation).’ 2007 study; meditators have longer attention spans.

In a 2008 study published in the journal PloS One, when meditators heard the sounds of people suffering (when not meditating), they had stronger activation levels in their temporal parietal junctures, a part of the brain tied to empathy, than people who did not meditate. And 7 Ways Meditation Change The Brain;

The study on Ananda Marga tantric yogis and near samadhi experience by Stanford University. And the study at Dartmouth University, showed experienced Ananda Marga meditators to be producing a high level of theta brainwaves. Six of the 11 controls fell asleep during the 40 min, while none of the meditators fell asleep. Meditation was also characterized by a decrease in respiratory rate.

Video on meditation science;

Dr. Shanida Nataraja: ‘Meditation gives us a tool by which we can switch our brain activity to the right brain. Modern society discriminates against the right hemisphere.‘— Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry.

Ac Cidananda on Quantum theory (2006); In 1929, Heisenberg (the founder of wave mechanics) spent some time in India as the guest of the famous poet, Rabindranath Tagore. Heisenberg stated; ‘After conversations with Tagore, some of the ideas that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense. That was a great help for me.’

There are 64 ancient texts of India called the Tantra Shastra, which includes instructions how an adept in six-dimensional sadhana (spiritual practise) can disintegrate his body at will and reintegrate his body at another place. This extraordinary phenomenon has a logical basis in the wave mechanics of quantum physics. Today’s world is full of a multitude of vibrations. The action and reaction of these waves on you make your mind restless. These waves make it difficult to concentrate.

Drugs might have in some sense short time benefits related to meditation, but they will eventually haunt down the user. Green leaves absorb photons from the sunshine, your brain might grow if you eat lots of greens!!! And you might become green like ETs!!! Wow!!!

Inspiring books; Ac Cidananda’s book; And Living with the Himalayan Masters, Swami Rama. You may find in the net. Travels with Mystic Master, by DharmaVedananda:

Didi A Asha

If you post my article link it here, thanks!

Yogis Know More About Glands Than Doctors

Ananda Marga Meditation and Service to Humanity
Why Yogis Should Run the World?
Couple Exiting Weeks in India

Yogis in Service of Humanity Gather in Germany

Yogis Who Lived For Centuries