keskiviikko 27. helmikuuta 2019

Farsight Remote Viewing 9/11 - Could it Be True Even ...

Farsight Institute is sharing their video about remote viewing 9/11. In just a few minutes, Dick Allgire already mentions pancake collapse, demolition of building 7 and further vaporization and molten metal in debris. He saw also who was planning this attack in a base, but more you have to see yourself. His remote viewing encountered at the end some unexpected resistance.

Daz Smith also finds molten steal caused by explosions, that made the buildings to collapse. He further describes how some chemical 'bricks' was set up in the building support structures. There is still about one leading group and three trained groups organizing the attack, and more you may see own eyes. Here is the video, and another video will follow later. Thanks to Farsight Institute.

Remote viewing is a learned skill to tap into the past and a bit also into a probable future, although humans have free will, so future prediction can’t be that reliable. There has been and still are yogis who also can tap into infinite knowledge, though they don’t usually show off their abilities purposely. And many ET contactees claim to learn psychic skills from the more advanced aliens. Probably remote viewing technique could improve indigo and crystal kids with their special psychic abilities.

Indian yogi Shrii Shrii Anandamurti has warned; ‘you should think carefully what you speak, because in the future more developed human beings can hear what you have said in the past’. Cases of people, whose personality, and capabilities changed due to accidents and coma, may explain a bit how the brain functions. Some of the victims even say of being able to see into the future.

Man Woke From Coma Speaking French, and other examples

Beyond science channel explains how philosophers, Plato and Descartes attributed sudden changes in behavior to be separate from the brain. They describe, “soul”, the place where human experiences take place. Physical damage to brain should not always change the personality, but that is what often happens in accidents.

Some people start to remember even all details of their life, which can be explained due to human being having kind of internal memory that actually remembers everything. Person, after coma speaking totally different language unknown to him, can be explained by past life. The person is remembering his past life language.

Soul continues to exist without brain after death. This can be seen in near death experience cases, which also change often the personality, because this opens a new view to life in the perspective of soul. Human being is not only physical and psychic being but also spiritual.

According Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, shortly, why coma can change personality.

When parallelism between psychic and physical is lost, death can follow. Death is a long sleep of causal mind. Mind remains then in inactive state and samskaras or karma is ripened (becoming ready that one is able to handle them or 'burn'). Death is not the only means that karma will ripen, also during coma or senselessness and during meditation karma will ripen ready to be dealt with. More about karma here, No More Karma

Here some more examples of people after accidents:

U.S. Man Wakes From Coma Speaking Swedish, Thinking He’s Another Person, Johan Ek, 10 People Who Became geniuses from brain damage,

Personality Changes After Brain Injury,
People who remember every second of their life, 60 Minutes Australia,

Didi Annapurna, Ananda Marga, you may post half of this article if you link it here, thanks!

No More Karma
Twenty Victims of 9/11 Reincarnated 
Why Yogis Should Run the World? 
Biopsychology of Cakras, Lymph, Gender Issues 
Remote Viewing Murder Cases

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