FarsightInstituteis sharing their video
about remote viewing 9/11. In just a few minutes, Dick Allgire already
mentions pancake collapse, demolition of building 7 and further vaporization and molten metal in debris. He saw also who was planning
this attack in a base, but more you have to see yourself. His remote viewing
encountered at the end some unexpected resistance. Daz Smith also finds molten stealcaused byexplosions, thatmadethe buildings to collapse. Hefurtherdescribes how some chemical 'bricks' was set upin the building support structures.There is still about one leading group and three trained groups organizing the attack, and more you may see own eyes. Here is the video, and another video will follow later. Thanks to Farsight Institute.
Remote viewing is a learned skill to tap into the past
and a bit also into a probable future, although humans have free will,
so future prediction can’t be that reliable. There has been and still
are yogis who also can tap into infinite knowledge, though they don’t
usually show off their abilities purposely.And
many ET contactees claim to learn psychic skills from the more advanced
aliens. Probably remote viewing technique could improve indigo and
crystal kids with their special psychic abilities. Indian yogi Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
has warned; ‘you should think carefully what you speak, because in the
future more developed human beings can hear what you have said in the
past’. Cases of people, whose personality, and capabilities changed due
to accidents and coma, may explain a bit how the brain functions. Some
of the victims even say of being able to see into the future. Man Woke From Coma Speaking French, and other examples
Beyond science channel explains how philosophers,Plato and Descartes attributed sudden changes in behavior to be separate from the brain. They describe, “soul”,
the place where human experiences take place. Physical damage to brain
should not always change the personality, but that is what often happens
in accidents. Some people start to remember even all detailsoftheir life,which can be explained due to human being having kind of internal memory that actually remembers everything. Person,after coma speakingtotally different language unknown to him, can be explained by past life. The person is remembering his past life language. Soul continuesto exist without brainafter death.This can be seen innear death experiencecases,which alsochangeoftenthe personality,because thisopens a new view to life in the perspective of soul. Humanbeingisnot only physical and psychic being but also spiritual. According Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, shortly, why coma can change personality. Whenparallelismbetween psychic and physical is lost,
death can follow. Death is a long sleep of causal mind. Mind remains
then in inactive state and samskaras or karma is ripened (becoming ready that one is able to handle them or 'burn'). Death is not the only means that karma will ripen, also during coma or senselessness and during meditation karma will ripen ready to be dealt with. More about karma here, No More Karma Here some more examples of people after accidents: U.S. Man Wakes From Coma Speaking Swedish, Thinking He’s Another Person, Johan Ek,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idZ6sKLPXLc. 10 People Who Became geniuses from brain damage,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrYNJkwVwC4 Personality Changes After Brain Injury,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRRj0nQwp5Q People who remember every second of their life, 60 Minutes Australia,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpTCZ-hO6iI Didi Annapurna, Ananda Marga, you may post half of this article if you link it here, thanks! No More Karma Twenty Victims of 9/11 Reincarnated Why Yogis Should Run the World? Biopsychology of Cakras, Lymph, Gender Issues Remote Viewing Murder Cases
have heard the main stream media news,
so I don’t repeat them
here, this is about
what the alternative
sources, activists and
Indian Guru saysregarding
the situation in Venezuela. Maduro
is not yet yogi, but...
in 2012 that he was a follower of Indian guruSathya
Sai Baba.First Sai Baba center in Venezuela was opened
in 1974. Madurovisited Sai Baba in India in 2005.
with Sai Baba
Venezuela’s future could
be really bright, according Indian spiritual leader P R Sarkar,
called also
Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. (Maduro
should just put more yogis on his
administration! DA)
June 1, 2003, Dada Maheshvarananda
was invited to meet Venezuelan President Chavez on national
television. He presented a copy of his Prout book to President Chavez and
mentioned what Sarkarhadsaid
while visiting Venezuelain 1979;
"Venezuelaneeds good spiritual
political leaders. If Venezuelacan produce
spiritual political leaders, it will not only be the leader of Latin
America, it will also be the leader of the planet. Venezuelais a blessed country."
Maheshvarananda also briefly explained to
Prout is based on cooperatives, regional self-reliance, ethics and
universal spiritual values. President Hugo Chavez said, “Dada
Maheshvarananda has given us a book that we appreciate very much.
Your visit has come at such an opportune moment”.
also said;
“Prout will be accepted like hotcakes in Latin America.”
D Maheshvarananda and president Chavez
speech in Caracasin1979 (edited)
say that after thousands of years,beings from other planets may
come and see human beings become extinct due to their internal
disunity and infighting. Do you want history to be written like this?
Then preach the gospels of humanity everywhere – save the dying
entire human society is anxiously waitingfor
you, for your service. You will have to shoulder a great
responsibility for this suffering humanity. You are the pioneers of
the humanmarch,
you are the vanguards of the new civilization. Humanity of the entire
universe will unite, and we are anxiously waiting for that happy
fifty-one percent of the population adheres strictly
to the principles of morality, there is no chance of a successful
democracy. True leaders should always think how to work best for the
human society, that people are not led to darkness, death and
in Kalkata 5th April 1989;In South Americaall
the countries are poor. Venezuela, unless it makes more effort to
become self-sufficient, will face economic difficulty when its petrol
runs out, 5 April 1989
The real
Venezuela: Prof Piva explains US Coup Attempt
Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak with Aline Piva,
journalist who teaches in Caracas University, Venezuela. She says the
situation in Venezuela regarding poverty and opposition was much
worse in 2013 and 2016 due to US sanctions, now the situation is
better, although people have still hardships in daily life.
US has not been able to do internal coup, they are now
planning military action from outside. US PM
Bolton showed his threatening plan of sending 5000 troops to
Venezuela. May be the timing was now good for US and allies to try to
intervene, due to right wing new president in Brasil.
war inside Venezuela has been going on for decades, but
the opposition has not got enough support, so they are now trying to
get external help. Ridiculously, 80 % of
the Venezuelans had not even
heard about Guaido before the coup attempt. Foreign countries
leaders didn’t know his name, or how to
pronounce it, US Pompeo as example.
elections were held in May instead of Decemberdue to opposition asking early elections, but then they
themselves boycotted it, because they knew they can’t win the
election, so they try now coup attack with external help. Maduro
asked even UN observers to attend that election, but UN didn’t want
to send.
US creates artificial economic crisesin Venezuela, it is difficult to solve them, but Venezuela has
managed quite well. In year 2017 alone the money frozen by US and its
allies was ab 6 % of the total GDP of the Venezuela. Besides
Venezuela paid a lot of money while selling
oil in US dollars. US is now offering Quaido the Venezuelan oil
assets in US. The UK government refuses to give Venezuela its 1.6
billion of gold.
US can’t win the battle,80 % Venezuelans
oppose the
external intervention.
Maduro is moving to sell its oil to other countries than
US in other
currencies. Solution would be to let Venezuela solve the problems
internally, to have dialogue between the government and opposition.
That is also what Maduro is asking for.Maduro’s
voicemail to Guaido, offering dialogue,
Professor Aline Piva, Caracas
Regime Change For
Profit: Chevron On US Venezuela Coup
shows only one side of the situation in Venezuela.
Claims of
meddling in US, now US meddling in Venezuela. Chavez distributed the
wealth to the poor, although may be his policies were not the best,
(but his heart was for Venezuelan people, DA). The capitalist elites
got pissed off. When there is coup it is always about oil (or money).
Quaido’s first promise is to privatize the oil, and Chevron,
Halliburton etc cheer up for oil and jobs. They did it in Irak, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya etc. Is something better for common people
now in those countries?
policy: no votes, no democracy, Quaido president!US
allies don’t care about people of Venezuela. They don’t even show
in MSM that UN and EU parliament are not going to support the coup.
Italy stood up brightly. Some other EU countries didn’t also recognize Quiado, even under pressure. Russia, China, Mexico, Turkey
don’t support Quaido’s presidency. Venezuelan
is on the side of Maduro. US has no right to intervene other
countries. They are really bad at that.
Warns US: Hands Off Venezuela. President
Putin denouncing the US interference as “a gross violation of the
fundamental norms of international law.”
bit about Maduro.
family was Catholic, and his ancestry Sephardic
Before Maduro became a politician, he was a bus driver in Caracas. In
2013. Maduro was elected President, narrowly defeating Henrique
Capriles. In 10 January 2019 Maduro was re-inaugurated
after winning May 2018 elections. Maduro is married with Cilia
a lawyer and politician.
has promised Venezuela 20 million dollar aid, Canada 40
million ja EU 7,5 million. Madhuro is blocking
the aid on the boarder, because is afraid of letting US attackers in.
Aid talks are just political show according him. There are thousands of allegations against Maduro, but as well he
has received many
awards, so naturally he is a controversial person.
Marga has a holistic approach to meditation,as well as the
organization has commonly a wholistic way of life for individuals and
society. One has to start from the basic meditation lesson, which
itself is very logical way of mind withdrawal
from the external world and internal thoughts, thus enabling
meditation. There are also
different aspects into it; the posture, breathing, individual mantra
and visualization.
meditating on table, aren't we a bit funny people
lesson is a very unique method.
It is for the purpose
of preventing new sanskaras or karma creation. Besides it makes the
life more easy and helps to stand others behavior and happenings
around. It keeps ones mind connected to the divine in practical life.
This has been practiced by ancient yogis, but they didn’t have a
special lesson and mantra for that.
order to get third lessonancient yogis had to
use a dead body, now Shrii Shrii Anandamurti has made it available in
more easy form and for everyone. Third lesson is about controlling
the cakras, and making way for kulakundalini to rise, while fifth
lesson if for purification of cakras. Cakras control the mind through
glands, which have effect also in the psyche of human being.
lesson is pranayama,which one is able to get
only when the mind is enough balanced and in control. Pranayama can
be even harmful if practiced with unstable mind. When the respiration
slows down the mind and body function better.
lesson is again very special,which only Ananda Marga
has. It directs the mind towards the Supreme and thus means
meditation in the real sense.
six lessons anyone can get one by one.
The kapalika, vishesh and microvita lessons are not for everyone.
They are given only for those more advanced, or for certain purpose.
should not talk about his/her meditation experiences,
because others start to anticipate more from him/her, or they expect
to have similar experiences themselves. There should not be any
expectations at all.
used, are of sanskrit language.Every sanskrit mantra’s
vibration and meaning are the same. When you repeat the mantra, both
the ideation and the vibration uplift the mind. For those who have
mental problems and difficulties to concentrate Shrii Shrii
Anandamurti has recommended kiirtan. One should first sang and dance
kiirtan for a longer time and then have short meditation. Kiirtan
dancing - with tip of big toe touching the floor in a similar fashion
than in zone therapy - calms down the mind.
meditation lessons make the progress certainty.They burn the old karma
fast and prevent creating new karma. Almost all children of Ananda
Marga families start to practice simple meditation before ten years
old. They eat vegetarian food, and seems to be often the best
students in their class. At teen age they tend to have some years
pause in meditation, but most start the practices again in later age.
Silent meditation and yoga revolution in the world.Our children learn
meditation and their children will continue. Our teachers initiate
thousands of people every year around the world, and also create new
teachers, so our meditation spreads silently throughout the world.
And we are not alone, there are more and more organizations spreading
meditation, yoga, mindfulness. Yogis are not
only peaceful and loving, they
also loose interest for materialism, competition, exploitation,
fashion etc. Soon the world will be totally different.
Marga and meditation, video
Shrii Shrii Anandamurti about meditation
Supreme Entity is lying covert in you.If you are awakened by
dint of sadhana (meditation practises), He will also be awakened
(within you), and then you, unit being will become one with the
Supreme Being.
anyone develops an intense desire to merge in Him,
Parama Purusa
immediately arranges to impart lessons how to move towards Him, how
to merge in Him. Besides this, there is no other way of returning to
Supreme Goal is one, not many.The aspirant must
proceed with single-minded devotion. They will have to constantly
remember that howsoever small they may be, they are the fragments of
the Infinite One.
Purusa is the ultimate goal of existence,
and only to attain Him have human beings come onto this earth. If
they fail to do so, then they do not deserve to be called human
beings. Hence life devoid of dharma is worse than animal life.
you may post this if you link it here, thanks!
or karmic reactionsare
created by our actions.‘For every action there
is equal and opposite reaction’. Every stage of mind is a result of
previous stages. When one is doing action and emanating vibration to
the universe, it travels around the universe and hits the person in
the back of the head. ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’, said
there are two kind of actions, original and reactive.One has freedom on actions, but not on reactions. The sum of all
samskaras is karma, basket of unfulfilled reactions carried from life
to life. The unit entity has existence only because of karma. When
all the samskaras are burnt or finished, one returns to the original
state of pure consciousness. Thus the unit existence ends, one gets
moksa, final salvation.
has to be ‘ripened’(prepared
so that the reactions can happen). It can happen only when the mind
is dissociated from the body, in following conditions
Senselessness. After a serious accident, when the victim becomes
unconscious, samskaras ripen. When this happens ones life may change
After death in the bodiless mind state, samskaras ripen, and the mind
acquires a new body in the next life, which is suitable for burning
the ripened samskaras.
By proper meditation method, the mind is absorbed in the supreme
consciousness and gets dissociated from the body. This is why those
who meditate have rapid changes in their lives.
longer the period between action and reaction, the greater
will be the reaction
Psychic actions don’t cause reaction. But it is not good to harbour
mean thoughts, because often they will lead to action.
Psycho-physical actions, which are not affecting the mind, cause no
reaction. If you sit and move your leg unconsciously – there is no
reaction to be expected.
Psycho-physical conscious actions, that affect the mind, cause
greater reaction. If you think bad of someone and hit him, there will
be reaction.
Actions performed with special mantra and spiritual ideation,cause no reaction. How to do it,
explained here
wheel of birth and death means: one does actions and in
the next life gets reactions. Now if she does these reactions with
anger then she gets again new reactions to be ripened for next life.
So seems there is no end to this karmic circle. But there is a way to
stop this wheel.
is a unique meditation techniquewhich eventually
can stop the reactions. By using specific mantra and proper ideation
- kind of meditation in practise - one can prevent new samskara
creation. When the unit mind ideates
on Brahma, Cosmic
Consciousness, during every
action, thus the reaction goes to Him.
So when
Brahma does every action, no new samskaras are created.
Marga has a unique mantra,
and method for this
process. At the end one has no more karma and no need to be born
again (as only in physical body one is able to burn karma). Thus
‘liberation is a sure guarantee.’
difference between two humans is
due to their different karma. Shrii
Shrii Anandamurti demonstrated this by taking away the
differentiating karma from two people. Their bodies ‘hugged
tightly’ each other. He said that if he would not give their
samskaras back soon, those persons would start to merge together by
between humans and animals.Animals and plants don’t
do egoistic actions, so they don’t have karma. Prakriti guides
their evolution. When ego is developed, the human mind feels its
independent existence and the cycle
of karma starts. Humans have
free will to go forward towards cosmic consciousness by avoiding new
samskara creation, or go backwards by creating maximum karma.
is an effective means to burn samskaras,
if done by non attachment, by proper ideation. Thus one becomes the
instrument of Cosmic
Consciousness. By grace of
God you get chance to serve and by grace of God you are able to
serve. This is non-attachment. Those psychics healing others, can’t
remove their karma, they can only change the timing of it. Often the
more spiritual healers
also absorb lower beings
karma. That’s why Jesus
spoke from a boat, because the people touching made him adsorb their
then people in Africa are sufferingwithout food, and should
we let them suffer? No, we have to help anyone in distress. If we
don’t, we create new karma for ourselves. Besides we need to think
in a positive way, may be it is the time that this person’s karma
of being hungry suppose to finish.
bit about sleep and unconsciousness
is certain difference. In the sleep, conscious and sub-conscious
minds take rest and also nerves stop functioning. Unconsciousness is
extra cerebral, so nerves can function. Thus body becomes weak.
samadhi the distinctions of darkness (crudeness)
and radiance (subtleness)
disappear, then unit mind
can’t maintain separation from universal causal. One can’t
remember the samadhi experience, except wakes
up with feeling of bliss. As
long as one has samskaras, one has to experience wakefulness, sleep
and dream states.
is a long sleep of causal mind.
remains then
in inactive
state. When parallellism between psychic and physical is lost, death
three ways:
1. Disturbed physical wave causes imbalance with psychic, for example
in accident. 2. Psychic disturbance causes imbalance with physical
body, like in case of extreme fear, shock. 3. Spiritual death, can be
mukti or moksa state, one merges in cosmic mind. Those who get final
salvation their
soul leaves
their body from the
sahasrara cakra.
of asanas
restlessness is due to the distracting effectsof five sensory
organs and the glands, creating
imbalance in the mind. One
can balance the mind by regulating the glandular secretions.
The system for this is, asanas massaging and pressing the glands,
thus balancing secretions. Asanas prevent diseases, flex body and
make mind peaceful.
this information is based on Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s teachings.
stories from recent RDS in Germany
of our
Acaryas, we call them Dada,‘died’recently and his
funeral was prepared already, but he came back conscious. He told
that while he was in coma in hospital, he was constantly chasing
Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Baba. Then
Baba said
finally, go back to life.
Baba is there on the other side andobviously
got tired
of him!
(guru of Ramakrishna) lived ab 300 years
and came to get
salvation from Baba,
‘God in Human form’, as he described Baba. Others who got
moksa from Baba, Vishubudhananda, Kalikananda, Kamalakanta. I
think also Netaji,
Shankaracarya and Vivekananda.
V travels often
by intuition,and Baba has to take care, because he can’t see. Once DV
felt like he has to go
by bus in
some place. He heard
there someone
crying. The person came to
’once you told me
that I should have only one girlfriend
and not two, yesterday my girlfriend died’. So DVunderstood
why he had to come.
Baba is our travel guide.
got out of his body, and saw an
alien said, I’m avadhuta. Dada said, NO, I am avadhuta. The alien
avadhuta said; ‘you
are kindergarten avadhuta. I want to take you around the
universe, anywhere you
want’. In one planet people couldn’t walk, because no
gravitation, but they could fly easily. In one planet Dada
saw that Baba’s
Prout was almost
achieved. Some other planets they could transplant body parts, but
not brain, because it would change personality. Dada
said I don’t want to go back to the earth. The avadhuta said, no
you have to follow your
tour program.
acarya, Didi R;‘I
never searched any Guru, I was caught by Guru. I used to astral
travel as 8 years old. Once I couldn’t come back to my body from my
astral travel and I was horrified. Baba appeared and stared straight
to my eyes to
return me
back to my body.’