torstai 18. huhtikuuta 2013

Not just economist

A glimpse to the mysterious man; Sarkar spend some days in nursing home in Calcutta in year 1989-1990 due to heart problems. I was that time in India. Before leaving to India I had asked Finnish members to make paper flowers for Sarkar, but leave them without opening the petals. I carried those flowers all the way to India. When I reached there I heard Sarkar was in nursing home. I requested permission to go and decorate Sarkar's room in his residence quarters with the flowers before he came home. But I didn't get the permission yet before I heard the order from Sarkar, that everyone had to leave to Ananda Nagar, to our development project place. I hesitated whether I should stay and wait until I got permission to bring those flowers to Sarkar's room. But no - I decided to go with others. I heard that when Sarkar had come back from the nursing home, one sister who stayed behind due to her sickness, had opened the flowers. She was the only one who knew how to open them. She brought them to Sarkar's room and Sarkar had said that they were beautiful.

DharmaVedananda tells more about those times; When Sarkar was leaving the nursing home, he spoke to the nurses and doctors individually and collectively and addressed them ma. He also distributed some sweets for them, the nurses were crying. The last person to meet him was his doctor Mr Sen. He was one of India's leading heart specialists. He said: “We all thank You for putting Your holy feet in our nursing home. But You are not a man, or even a superman, You are a God. “Then he did his prostration to God at his feet.

Dada Keshavananda told DharmaVedananda that a few days previously, the doctors had protested while Sarkar was composing Prabhat Samgiit songs in the emergency ward even though they requested him not to do any work, because it would tax his heart. In one day alone he wrote 13 songs. When one doctor strongly protested, Sarkar responded by saying: “Composing Prabhat Samgiit does'not require any special effort from my part. Similarly when ever I write Shabda Cayanika (His encyclopedia), it is a spontaneous expression...Rather than considering these processes to be my work, you should title them my pleasures.”

Dada asked Sarkar what He considered to be work. Sarkar answered; “When I conceptualized the idea of this mission, or Prout, or Microvita, or Neohumism, these original revolutionary creations required a little exertion.” Dada asked him, which of the works, that he had ever done, has taken his greatest energy. Sarkar replied; “The work which occupied my effort for the longest time was the invention of our pratik (the symbol of our mission). It took me thirty minutes.”

Another occasion, concerning Dr Ramesh, a specialist at the clinic. One day he told to Sarkar;”Your health is not good. But I understand you frequently scold your workers. Anger is not helpful to your cure. So I request to refrain from such rebuking.” Sarkar became furious, shouting loud enough to cause everyone to jump; “Who is he to tell me such a thing!” The workers were annoyed and the doctors became afraid. In a twinkle of an eye, Sarkar again changed his mood and said sweetly: “Now do you mean like that?” Dr Ramesh still shaking: “Yes.” But Sarkar said; “No need to worry. You see, I say all such caustic words from my throat, not from my heart. It does not affect me.”
Sarkar used to be easily angry when something was not done properly or enough speedily, but equally he used to be heart melting loving and caring when something good was done. I have my own memories of those kind of occasions, that I might tell some other time.

Sarkar: Inferior people do not even start any great work because of the mere anticipation of opposition. Mediocre people no doubt start some work, but when confronted with opposition they leave the work unfinished. The best type of person never gives up any work unfinished. Even if they are confronted with enormous difficulties at every step, they persist until the work is successfully completed.

Once I said, “It is good to die working, but still better to work even while dying.” So one should always bear in mind, “I am alive in this world for the fulfillment of my mission. This is the reason I am eating, dressing, sleeping. Apart from this, I have no worth.” And if one ever lives a life without a mission, then in that case, no endeavor in the psychic sphere will bring success. If you do not want to work, if you do not want to serve the world, you will become a burden on the world. It would be better to leave the world than to live as a burden on it. Human life should be enriched with intense activity.

The fortune of a person who is sleeping also sleeps. Here “sleeping” does not mean sleeping in the worldly sense. Its real meaning is to remain drowned in darkness, that is, the physical body is of a human being, but his activities are not like those of a human being.

Likewise I say to you “Go ahead with your work – in this lies your good and also the good of the society. Not from today, but from this very moment, jump into the world of action and pave the way of your well-being”.

Human life is an ideological flow, and there lies the fundamental difference between man and animal. So what should a man do? A man should decide at an early stage of his life what he is to do, what his mission in life is. The sooner it is done, the better it is, because you will get more chance, you will get ample scope to do, to materialize, to translate this goal into the actional flow.

To love is not the only work of the guru. One who only loves you is your enemy, and one who only punishes you is also your enemy. But the one who both loves and punishes in a balanced way is the real guru.
Didi Annapurna

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